Art Club
Art Club is where creative minds come together to create projects that are not typically created in art class during the year.
Whether that's working with a specific medium such as clay, ink or acrylic paint, we have fun creating together and exploring and learning from one another.
This club is also a wonderful asset for our gifted artists that want to excel more into a specific project or medium of their choice.
It meets once a month on a Friday so as to not interfere with other extracurricular activities or busy schedules.
At the beginning of the year there is a $15 dues policy to cover supplies.
This is a great organization for students to demonstrate their creative side, have a lot of fun with friends and they encouraged to be themselves.
Sign-Ups for the Art Club are during registration nights in August before school starts. A permission form will be sent home. It will need to be returned to Mrs. Cody with the $15 fee.
For more information, contact Mrs. Cody.