

Softball is a club sport for middle schools in Sumner County. This means it is not sponsored by the school and does not use Shafer in the name. It is Gallatin Middle School which combines our students with Rucker-Stewart's students. 

Softball is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls at both Shafer and Rucker-Stewart, as well as 5th grade girls at any Elementary School in Gallatin. Home-Schooled girls zoned for these schools are also eligible. All interested students must take part in a two-day tryout in August. 

The Gallatin Middle School Softball Team practices during September & October during the Fall, then resumes practice in January when schools are back in session. Games begin in early February and run through Late March/Early April. 

For more information, contact Coach Plunkett.



2023 GMS Softball Roster

Our Mission
Sumner County Schools commits to growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.

Shared Vision
Shafer Middle School is a place where like-minded individuals work together to provide students with essential building blocks needed for future success.